

Club News

Effective immediately Susie’s Quickmart in Hannibal will no longer be doing memberships.

Our membership director will be available at the clubhouse on Saturdays from 10am-2pm.

Elections for club officers will be coming up if you have anyone you would like to nominate.

We have secured contracts with Cayuga County and Oswego County!

Media Gallery
Trail Info
Email Us

Next meeting will be in 2025, date and location to be announced.

Watch for more information for our annual chicken BBQ
which will be in February at Hannibal American Legion.

One last order for this years shirt designs- This link provides all info and ordering https://thatmadmoose.com/oswego-valley-atv-club

Download the 2024 Membership Form

Apply for club membership by filling in and mailing our Registration Form. Memberships, ATV stickers, and parking passes are immediately available at THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS:

• Backwoods Powersports, 6749 Maple Avenue, Sodus, NY 14551 315-690-1517 Website

Please Note: Dirt Bikes, Motorcycles, and 3-Wheel ATVs are not allowed on our trails.

Unregistered ATVs/UTVs are not allowed on our trails. A major portion of our trails are owned by Cayuga & Oswego Counties (the flat rail beds). They're part of the public National Rails-to-Trails system, most of which are posted as "No Motorized Vehicles Allowed".

We are one of the few ATV clubs given permission to ride Public Trails, but our contracts with the counties stipulate that registration & insurance is absolutely required. Note however that NYS honors all out-of-state registrations, so we do too.

• BYPASSES FOR CLOSED SIMMONS TRAIL - Please maintain slow speeds appropriate for residential areas.

1 - Coming from Fair Haven, turn north onto Wiltsieville Rd., go about 1 mile and turn east onto Blythe Rd., then turn south onto Mill Street and continue until you find the trail again.

2 - Coming from Fair Haven, take the split onto the Legion Trail and continue to Sixty Six Rd., stay on Sixty Six Rd. until it hits Rochester St. and then go northeast into Hannibal, turning left at Cayuga St. Once in Hannibal, follow the bypass for the closed McHenry Trail.

From Hannibal, you can ride down Oswego Street. Cross Rt. 104. Head down Stock Road. Turn right to go by trailer park. Take a left on Pollard Road. Turn rig ht on Stock Road. And then quick left on Co. Rt. 7 and right hand turn into the driveway that will lead to the Plank Road. It is all marked with signs now.

The portion of our trail through the sold Sawyer property remains closed To ATVs. The property is located between the two mobile home parks just up the road from the garage station on Rathburn Road.

PARKING IN CATO: Park diagonally south across the road at the foundation of the burned down TC's Place, whose owner has granted permission.

Royce Lyboult's name (club co-founder) has been added to our Memorial sign in front of the Clubhouse on Muck Drive in Hannibal. See photo.

Current Club By-Laws - Download Here

Current Code of Ethics - Download Here

  Join us on facebook
Oswego Valley ATV Club - P.O. Box 153, Hannibal, NY 13074